Updated: EXparser v1.0.1 is released and running from 22/02/2019 (test it below!)

EXCITE (Extraction of Citations from PDF Documents) is a toolchain of citation extraction software and particular focus on the German-language social sciences and this is a public service for the project. In the background of this page we are using CERMINE for extracting content from PDF files and Exparser for reference string extraction and segmentation.

    How to start the process:
  • First: Choose a pdf file by click on "Choose File" button. (size of the file should be less than 20 MB)
  • Second: Click on "Upload file" button to start the process. Please enter your email address if you would like to receive follow up code by email. (It is optional)
  • tip: After uploading a file a code will be displayed on the screen. This code is necessary for follow up the result of reference extraction. If you would like to load last follow up code related to last uploaded file in your browser.
    How to check the result:
  • First: Enter the follow-up code in the appropriate box in the right-hand of page then click on "Display References" button.
  • Second: The result will be displayed on screen if it available.
  • tip: Extracting References process will take a little time, at least 30 seconds, and it completely depends on the size of the file.
  • tip: Click on "Load last follow up code" If you would like load last follow up code related to last uploaded file in your browser.

This is a first version of the our public web service. How we can improve it? Please let us know if you have any feedback for us by clicking on this link.

If you already have a code, Enter code to load data.